University Advancement is responsible for creating awareness and raising private support for SF State's academic, research and public service missions. Our strategic goals are to instill well-deserved pride in University accomplishments, strengthen awareness and support among the University's key stakeholders, and build a culture of philanthropy and support for SF State. We accomplish this through strategic efforts that incorporate communications, government and community relations, development, alumni relations, athletics and advancement services.
Recent Advancements
Donors leading the way…
San Francisco State University thanks the many alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends whose generous donations help the University make learning and professional development happen – and support the many ways SF State serves the surrounding community.
During the most recent fiscal year, 2016-17, members of the SF State community joined together to raise $17.2 million to support the University's people, programs and mission. These investments in the students of today and tomorrow – and in SF State’s community partnerships – are critical to ensuring excellence in our work, and an affordable high quality public higher education. Much appreciated!
Check out the most recent issue of 电脑vp软件, lively and timely highlights of intriguing scholarship, groundbreaking learning approaches and the many ways our faculty, staff and alumni are helping to shape the Bay Area – and well beyond!
For more news about SF State, visit SF State News.